
Testing the Hardness of the Freshwater Aquarium

What is the hardness of the water?

For a beginner in an aquarium maintenance you may ask what means testing the hardness of the freshwater aquarium.
First of all you must know that the hardness of the water is measured in degrees of hardness, abbreviated dH. The hardness of the water in your aquarium is about the quantity of dissolved mineral salts. These minerals are overall calcium and magnesium.


The hardness of the water should not be a problem for your fish unless the region you are living in is provided with very hard water or very soft water.
In this way, the water in your aquarium is going to be either too hard or too soft. 

Water HARDNESS classes

● < 7dH - Soft water
● 7-14 dH - Medium hard water
● 14-21 dH - Hard water
● > 21 dH - Very hard water

how is determined the WATER HARDNESS ?

The test kit for the hardness of the water that you can buy from the pet shop is useful for determining the dH of the water from your tank.
The species of fish are different not only when talking about looks but also in living conditions.
That’s why some fish are doing great in a little hard water, while others love soft water.
Again, you have to read and learn about your favorite species of fish in order to offer them the best conditions, meaning a perfect dH, also.
A too hard or too soft water is going to cause your fish weakness and even death.


For a too hard water you can use rain water, distilled water, or boiled and cooled water for adding into the aquarium. 

This is the way to lower the value of dH but also the value of pH, knowing that very hard waters are alkaline waters.
Another method for softening the water is to add softener or peat moss into the filter. For amplifying the hardness of the water you must use sodium bicarbonate in the water.
Obviously, the hardness exactly as the pH must be constantly checked, to see if aquarium’s environment is appropriate for your species of fish.

For starters you should pay a great deal of attention to all the conditions in the tank: pH, dH, the level of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. The kits for measuring these can be bought from the pet shop, the process of checking the values of the conditions in the water is very easy and you can do it every day in the conditioning period.
It is important to remind you that you should use as less chemicals as possible (only the necessary) in order not to influence beneficial bacteria’s growth.
Also, add fish gradually into the aquarium so that you can keep ammonia under control, and always keep test kits in your home so that you can test the water at any time.

Last modified onWednesday, 06 January 2016 11:01

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