
What Aquariums Are Made Of ?

As a beginner who wants to purchase an aquarium, you probably wander what aquariums are made of and which one it’s the best for you to buy. An important aspect to think about before going to the pet shop. You must know that there are: acrylic aquariums, glass aquariums, plastic aquariums. After choosing the material you must choose the style also: portrait aquarium, in-wall tank, furniture aquarium, tower aquarium, indoor pond barrel.

Glass aquariums provide a great view because the walls are flat and they don’t get easily scratches. This is why they are the most wanted of all types of aquariums. There are two types of glass aquariums: tempered and plate.
The tempered aquariums are stronger and lighter, the glass shatters when breaking, while the plate aquariums are heavier and thicker and it cracks when breaking.
This type of aquariums are sealed with silicone and the colored frames are made of plastic. You might have a problem if you wish for a special shape for the aquarium because glass aquariums are only rectangles or squares. Another problem is the fact that glass tanks are rather heavy, hard to be manipulated. If you have kids or a “stormy” house, the aquarium might break easier than others.

Acrylic aquariums are modern, light, in unimaginable shapes, more resistant.
So, in comparison to glass aquariums these are lighter and, of course, easier to manipulate even if the tank is large. Beyond these advantages, there are a few problems: they are expensive (but worthy), they are causing visual distortions due to the material, and they can get easily scratched (there are special kits for removing scratches).

Plastic Aquariums are very cheap and not worthy to purchase for some good reasons: they scratch extremely easy, they discolor in a short period of time, getting yellowish, they are made only in very small sizes, and it can melt in contact with any hot source, even with its own light.
The most common style of aquariums is the box shaped one, but if you want a special look for your room, you can choose a portrait aquarium that is hanged on the wall like a picture. It is safe from the kids but it is thin and you can keep only small fish in it.

The in-wall tank is a solution if you don’t have enough space in the room: it is actually hidden inside a wall but it has space for cleaning on one side or on top of it. You need a professional contractor to install it in order for everything to work properly.

Furniture aquariums are built into pieces of furniture (tables, clocks, cases); they are stylish but expensive and sometimes easy to be broken by mistake. A tower aquarium is modern even if it is just an ordinary tank but shaped as a tower or a high column. Indoor pond barrels are wonderful because they are trying to copy the outdoor ponds, but they are very expensive, they need space and a resistant floor.
The one who decides what your aquarium is going to be made of is yourself.

Last modified onFriday, 18 December 2015 20:28

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