How to choose an aquarium
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As you can imagine the aquarium it is the most important thing and when you buy one you can apply the rule “The bigger The Better” or “An Aquarium Is Never Too Big”.
The bigger the Better
A large aquarium (300-400 liters) it is much stable and easier to do the maintenance than a 50-60 liters aquarium. A thermal shock it is more likely to occur at a small aquarium, for example in winter when the temperature of the tap water it is low you can create a thermal shock by replacing 50% of the aquarium water. As you can see it is better to have a larger aquarium than a smaller one, the only disadvantage is the investment that you must do (stronger lighting, bigger filters and energy consumption).
I recommend you to start by thinking what is the number of fish you want in the aquarium, depending on their number you will buy (or build) the aquarium and not vice versa.
Number of fish in aquarium
Here's a simple rule that you have to keep in mind when you are buying an aquarium:
• Fish up to 5 cm need 1,5 liters of water/cm. For example a Neon Tetra (4 cm) needs 1.5x4 = 6 liters of water.
• Fish of 5-9 cm need 2 liters of water/cm. For example a Ramirezi (7 cm) needs 2x7 =14 liters of water.
• Fish of 9-13 cm need 3 liters of water/cm. For example an Ancistrus (10 cm) needs 3x10 =30 liters of water.
• Fish over 14 cm need 4 liters of water/cm. For example a Hoplo (15 cm) needs 4x15 =60 liters of water.
All these examples are for fish size at maturity and when you do the math you will have to take into account the useful volume of your aquarium and not the total volume of the aquarium. For example if the total volume of an aquarium it is 100 liters the useful volume will be around 75-80 liters.
Aquarium Shape
A big mistake that many beginners make is that they forget some fish or invertebrate, to have healthy fish and a balanced aquarium it is a must to have the optimal value of fish.
Like shape the rectangular aquarium it is recommended and the most harmonious shape for a rectangular aquarium is obtained when the length is equal to the height multiplied by 2.
The height of the aquarium should not exceed 50-60 cm and the depth it is recommended to be maximum 50cm. You have to know that an aquarium with the depth of 50cm when it is filled with water will produce the impression that the depth is smaller, for example a depth of 50cm will look like 40 cm.
Placing the tank
Where you place the aquarium it is very important because when the aquarium it is filled with water it is impossible to be moved and for that reason you have to think twice before you decide where to place the aquarium. For example the weight of an aquarium of 30 gallons (113.5 liters) filled with water it is 250lbs (113kg), you must be sure that the floor can support the weight of the aquarium (water + substrate + decorations). If you have concrete floor you will have no problems but with floorboards it is different situation and must be carefully positioned.
The best position for an aquarium it is a room where the sun is not shining and far away from doors, in this way you will avoid the overheating of the tank and in the same time fish will not be stressed.
Calculate everything before, no matter how much you've struggled with calculations sooner or later water will flow near the aquarium when you are doing the maintenance.
If the aquarium does not have a bottom frame you will have to put under aquarium a thermo pad which will help you to reduce the heat loss and it will protect the bottom of your aquarium.
Aquarium Hood
The hood of the aquarium it is another important piece and before you purchase an aquarium you must decide which type you want, open top or closed.
Advantages and disadvantages of a closed top
• Difficult access to the water and plants
• Water evaporation is greater
• Water temperature is higher
• Bad odor caused by algae
• Distance between neon tubes and water level it is fixed
• Impossible to add new equipments without some modifications to the hood
• From my point of view the main advantage of a closed top it is that it blocks the fish from jumping out
• The dust is not reaching into aquarium
I prefer an open top aquarium because access to plants and equipment is easier but the main problem of such an aquarium is the price, this type is more expensive.
In addition to your aquarium, I advise you to buy a quarantine aquarium where you place the new bought fish or the sick fish.
I conclude by saying that for any beginner I recommend a minimum aquarium of 60 liters (15 gallons).